Imagine a world where the children we love are no longer encouraged to ask questions, explore their curiosity, or form their own beliefs. A world where the spark of independent thought is systematically snuffed out, replaced by a rigid ideology dictated by those in power.

This is not the dystopian vision of a distant future; this is the threat posed by Project 2025, a blueprint for reshaping the very foundation of education and information in America. And its effects could be devastating for generations to come.


The Mask of "Family Values"

At first glance, Project 2025 presents itself as a plan to protect children and reinforce "family values." It claims to shield young minds from the dangers of social media and to restore parental control over what their children learn.

On pages 5 and 6, the document goes as far as to suggest that social media is "fraying children’s bonds" with their families, positioning itself as the defender of those sacred relationships. But behind this seemingly wholesome mission lies a far more sinister agenda: the systematic control of children's minds.

The reality is that Project 2025 is not about protecting children from the dangers of modern life. It’s about shaping their worldviews from a young age, ensuring they grow up in a tightly controlled environment where only one version of truth and morality is allowed. It's about indoctrination, plain and simple.

The Power of Controlling Information

Social media, with all its flaws, has become a place where young people can explore new ideas, connect with others from different walks of life, and develop a more nuanced understanding of the world. It’s a space where diverse viewpoints are shared, debated, and questioned. Project 2025 seeks to take that away—not because it’s harmful to children, but because it threatens the ability to control what those children think.

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By limiting access to social media and online platforms, Project 2025 aims to narrow the scope of information that children are exposed to. This isn’t about protecting kids; it’s about controlling the conversation. What happens when young people are only allowed to hear one perspective, one version of events, one interpretation of history? They stop questioning. They stop exploring. And that’s exactly what Project 2025 wants.

Education or Indoctrination?

The attack on social media is only the beginning. Project 2025 also seeks to completely overhaul the education system, gutting public schools and redirecting funding toward private religious institutions. On page 477, the plan calls for the elimination of evidence-based sex education, replacing it with abstinence-only teachings that provide no real information about health, relationships, or consent. This is not education; it’s propaganda.

Imagine your own child, niece, or nephew sitting in a classroom where they are not taught to think critically, but to accept everything they’re told without question. Imagine them growing up without the tools to challenge the world around them, to think for themselves, or to fight for justice when they see something wrong. This is the world Project 2025 is building—a world where education is about compliance, not curiosity.

Public schools are the backbone of American democracy. They are places where children from all walks of life come together to learn, to grow, and to challenge each other’s ideas. They are spaces where young people are taught not just facts, but the critical thinking skills needed to navigate an increasingly complex world. Project 2025 wants to dismantle that system entirely, replacing it with a network of private institutions where oversight is minimal, and indoctrination can thrive.

The Silencing of Dissent